The console is a command prompt that lets you use developer-like functions. Fallout: New Vegas is a post-apocalyptic action role-playing video game. B (default key) and 1 = clothing to run around in.

… Project Mojave is a massive overhaul fallout new vegas weapon mod split into multiple parts so that you don’t have to incorporate them all if you don’t want to. While in Fallout 3 this was limited to the creation of custom weapons, New Vegas takes this a step further by allowing the creation of weapon variants based on basic weapons by adding weapon mods.Unique weapons cannot be equipped with weapon mods, with the exception of the weathered 10mm pistol, the Mercenary's grenade rifle and the holorifle. bringing a 6 year old thread back to life. Released: 2010 Genre: Action-RPG Engine: GameBryo Nexus Mods Mods do exist to fix this, though. The default key for this is the tilde key, which is above TAB and below Escape. Save game names are in the format "Location Date Time" You can use the vanilla F5 / F9 keys, just make sure to unbind them in the vanilla options or they'll both trigger at once.